
Why Outsource The Recruitment Process in Iraq and Kurdistan?

Posted on 11/05/2022
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More and more firms are realising the benefits of outsourcing their recruitment requirements to Iraq and Kurdistan to take advantage of the breadth of skills, experience and professionalism that is on offer in these countries. 

Not only are there a wealth of excellent business opportunities and connections to be had in these countries, but also a selection of candidates with unique local knowledge and a wide range of skills and expertise who can really make a difference to a company's workforce.


Specialist Recruiters

However, for many firms screening and recruiting exactly the right kind of people can be a laborious and time-consuming exercise, and this is where a specialist recruiter can make the process much smoother, quicker and more efficient. 

For example, a specialist recruiter will have on the ground experience of the country and particular regions as well as a database of carefully screened individuals who can be perfectly matched to a company's requirements. Recruitment specialists are adept at profiling candidates to gain comprehensive details about their skills, expertise and knowledge so that they can be effectively matched to just the right kind of vacancies. 

A reputable agency will have a solid track record and refined processes for identifying candidates of all levels from senior positions to those requiring specialist skills and expertise. The data and experience that a specialist recruiter possesses takes time and effort to accumulate and refine which is why it is much more beneficial to utilise this expertise.


Benefits of Recruitment Specialists

An established recruitment agency will have spent time getting to know the candidates on their books, and they will also consult with clients as partners to understand your specific needs, objectives, constraints and long term plans. Through this detailed method of collaboration a recruiter will be able to pinpoint the precise requirements of their client and deliver results that fit their business operations. 

Additionally, a recruitment specialist will understand industry standards and follow international standards of excellence as well as ensuring they take time to work with clients to fully comprehend and comply with their legal and business standards. 

An established recruitment agency will have built up an existing network of thousands of professionals and will therefore have a huge array of talent to choose from. Another key difficulty they can help to overcome is to get the right kind of senior staff which can often be tricky if clients try to do this without the in-country knowledge of professionals.


Locals and Expats

Those wishing to recruit in Iraq will also find that they have a huge choice of both local people and expats, so that if the business would benefit from local knowledge a particular type of staff member may be recruited. In other cases it may be that the job is better able to be undertaken by an expat, in which case the recruiter will be able to assess expat staff on their books to find the right skillset.


Cost-Effective Solutions

Recruitment specialists have their own experts in recruitment and selection who will manage the whole process of identifying vacancies, matching candidate responses, short-listing and arranging interviews and deploying decision-making methods tailor-made to suit your business ethos. 

Letting a professional agency deal with recruitment is not only good business sense but this method will be much more economical than a company attempting to do it themselves, and will avoid a number of pitfalls that can occur when firms don't have the right local knowledge and networks. 

Using specialists can often cut traditional recruitment costs by up to 40% or more, especially where a company is looking to branch out into a country or area that they are not familiar with. As well as saving money this will also save time and give businesses a competitive edge and is much more likely to lead to productive and satisfied employees and improved staff retention which is always good for productivity.


Meet your Business Goals

In summary, the importance of using a good Iraqi recruitment specialist cannot be overestimated, as they will have a huge network of information, candidates, local knowledge and partnerships that will be invaluable for those wishing to outsource recruitment. 

In addition, established agencies will have a detailed infrastructure that will usually include HR, IT, knowledge of tax and labour laws in the respective countries, in addition to extensive knowledge about culture, social norms and languages. 

They will be able to advise or signpost clients with respect to a range of recruitment information including training, payroll, manpower, workforce development and suggest business strategies and will work with clients to develop a personalised solution to fit specific business needs. 

Therefore, if you are considering outsourcing your recruitment process in Iraq or Kurdistan, ensure you enlist the help of a team of specialists. This will ensure a dedicated, quality service which will enable quick and effective recruitment, and which will enhance your chances of business success in the process.


Are you looking to recruit in Iraq or Kurdistan? Get in touch with a professional agency: contact Mselect today.