
How to outsource your HSE training and get better results

Posted on 3/05/2023
Employees With Safety Equipment

โ€‹Your health safety and environment (HSE) training is a vital part of industry compliance, more than that it ensures your staff are safe whilst working in and around your business and with those they come into contact with. This makes HSE outsourcing a tricky process - get it wrong and it could spell big problems for your business. Get it right and HSE training becomes an important part of a smarter onboarding process.


In this article, we will be looking at how to outsource your HSE training for better results.



How outsourcing HSE training works

Simply put outsourcing HSE training means handing over your staff to a third party for compliance training.



Why outsource training? Finance, finance, finance.

Training staff in-house can be expensive, not just in certification but also in engaging and retaining qualified, professional HSE trainers. Quite frankly, it's an expense most businesses can ill afford. This makes outsourcing good financial sense.



Are there other benefits of outsourcing HSE training?

Yes. Outsourcing HSE training isnโ€™t just about financial sense these days, itโ€™s also about flexibility, increased efficiencies and risk reduction.


To operate an in-house training facility you would need to run an impeccably compliant training office. This comes with months of dedicated training and consultancy to set up, and thatโ€™s before you mitigate any risk of non-compliance during an HSE visit. Add to this management and maintenance of such an important department and suddenly the enormity of HSE training becomes more than just a money headache.


Outsourcing allows you to flexibly adjust your training levels to your business needs based on demand, which is great for quick expansion, focused training or cutting back during recession.


A good HSE training partner can also increase your employee efficiencies too, making it a smarter choice for training staff as and when you need them.


Then of course there is the matter of risk. Outsourcing mitigates a great deal of risk to the third-party, trust in the right partner and it improves your risk reduction tactics right across the board.



How to outsource HSE training for better results

First of all before you engage a third-party training professional you will need a strong health and safety policy. You need to understand who to train, when to train them and what the impact of that training needs to be.


1. Establish who in your organisation requires HSE training

The key to effective outsourcing of health and safety training is in understanding firstly, who in your organisation needs it.


Providing information on job functions and departmental interaction to your outsourcing partner means they can work with you to establish the best plan for you.


Here at mselect, we work hard to update our knowledge of industry progression when it comes to HR and HSE training. Understanding how industries evolve means we can create a systematic approach that future-proofs your employee onboarding and upskilling. This takes your approach to training to a whole new and more detailed level.


2. Find a qualified training partner

When you understand who you need to train and how they need training with regard to industry health and safety legislation, you can start to look for the perfect HSE training provider.


A blanket approach for your business isnโ€™t going to be enough, instead, you need a partner who will understand the nuances of your USP, the difficulties of job function and how they relate to industry compliance. This means the right training, at the right time, for eth right people.


The right training for your unique organisation adds to your competitive advantage, so taking some time to find your qualified partner matters.


3. Work with your partner to roll out business-wide training

Health and safety courses need careful consideration, not just in their inspection, but also in how and when they are rolled out in your business.


We have found, from our years of experience in the HR scene, that business-wide training is reliant on a good appreciation of key job roles and their function in your product and service delivery, plus an understanding of your bigger goals and budget as a business.


HSE training roll-outs can look different for each business model, industry and vertical. Understanding where HSE is both a compliance issue and competitive goal, means you train efficiently and proactively.


4. Guide HR to pick up employee performance and retraining tasks

If you carry out your HR functions in-house, the most efficient way to train and upskill staff is to create an HSE program that works alongside your HR tasks. Taking HSE training as part of a holistic approach to the employee experience means you always know when and where staff need further training, or retraining if things go wrong.


Donโ€™t forget, there are options out there where you can outsource your entire HR function, including training! At mselect we have dedicated our service offer to do exactly that because we know that you arenโ€™t just conscious of budget and service delivery, but you understand the impact of taking a more comprehensive approach to your employeeโ€™s journey.



Choose mselect for all of your HSE training needs!

mselect offers a full range of HSE consultancy services and dedicated support to the oil & gas, industrial, infrastructure, public sectors, development and non-governmental organisations.


Our HSE training is based on local and international legal compliance, workplace reviews, vendor qualification and crisis management. Meaning you have access to what you need when you need it.


We have a proven HSE track record with some of the worldโ€™s largest corporations and are internationally certified by multiple accreditation bodies. Our team is made up of highly experienced local and expat consultants who are accompanied by an on-the-ground team for support and administration.


Couple our HSE training program with our extensive HR offer and you have a winning formula for employee training, engagement and retention.


Contact us today for your HSE training needs!