
Capacity building for staff at the Mosul Water Pump Station

Posted on 16/09/2020
Whats App Image 2020 09 08 At 8


In partnership with the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), the MSELECT Academy recently delivered a program to develop the capacity of the operation and maintenance staff at the Directorate of Water-Ninawa in Mosul.



The aim of the training program was to enhance the Directorate of Water (DoW) operation and maintenance personnelโ€™s understanding of generic maintenance procedures, as well as, increase the efficiency of operation and reduce downtime and cost. The training was delivered to 30 operational staff at pump stations with limited presence of engineering staff of the Directorate of Water-Ninawa.



The outcome of the program was:


Increased technical understanding and knowledge on pump types, operation and maintenance

Ensured ability to safely and properly operate pumps and valves

Enabled staff to efficiently maintain pumps and valves

Improved the knowledge of managing the water system

Reduced downtime and running cost of water systems


This project was one of many successful projects in association with the DRC in Iraq.